Swearingen Communications Insights

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The 7 Habits of Consistently Successful Professionals

You have every reason to feel out of control right now. Yet in spite of this indescribable year, you can still wield personal power in your business. Now’s a good time to review the tried-and-tried measures deftly executed by the disciplined among us:

  1. They maintain contact (despite physical distancing). Today’s mid-level managers and happy hour colleagues will be tomorrow’s decision makers and valuable referral sources. Stay on their radar. I’ve been amazed by the winning strategies many professionals have initiated to stay in touch this year.  
  • They show up. “Must be present to win” applies to many things in life. Especially business. Even if today “present” means a virtual meeting, phone call or email.
  • They think like clients. Clients want to believe that you care about them. Now more than ever. It’s your responsibility to figure out what they value most. Otherwise, you are operating on assumptions.
  • They make themselves fixtures where their prospective clients are. Granted, this is a challenge today. But virtual conferences, trade and service group meetings, fundraisers and other activities are still taking place. Explore opportunities to be a resource. Offer to speak, write, volunteer, or in some other way serve.
  • They learn from and sometimes mimic the people they admire. Study the people you admire and wish to be like “when you grow up.” Watch what they do, and adapt it to your personal style.
  • They don’t “network.” Instead, they create value and make connections. People never want to be sold to. They want to be listened to, understood, and supported. If you are perceived as a sympathetic, knowledgeable and useful resource, you can’t help but win friends and influence others.
  • They are patient. Building a pipeline of business opportunities and referrals takes time. Rarely do things pay off quickly. Just like gardening, you must identify what you want to grow, and then prep, plant, water, fertilize, prune and grow.

If you’re like me, you want to kick this horrid year in the teeth. Instead, let’s focus on the things we can control. Let’s take a deep breath, stoke our resolve, and power our way into a robust future.

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